Seegreen services all types and sizes of compactors. We can provide a waste ‘audit’ to check if your current waste program is working efficiently. More often than not we can save you money!!! Free quote
Detention/retention ponds
Low lying areas such as detention and retention ponds can become problematic if not maintained. We can provide monthly to semi-annual servicing of these areas to clean up and cut. Free quote
Ask us how. Free quote
Seegreen offers zero waste options to the normal construction dumpsters and everything in between. We can provide a competitive price and the best service available. Tell us what you got and we can figure out the best and cheapest option for you or your company. Free quote
Grounds Keeping
Keeping properties clean and pristine is challenging for businesses and property owners. Let us take care of that for you! We can walk property cleaning parking lots and ALL other areas including dumpster pads. Free quote
Storm water management
Drains and grates will get clogged up at some point if not cleared of debris. Let us set up a service schedule to keep them clean and free of debris. We offer weekly or monthly plans to keep the water flowing. Free quote
Recycling programs
From one time recycling pickups to daily pickups we can accommodate any of your recycling needs. We offer multiple options for recycling from zero-waste to normal processing. We can provide carts, dumpsters or temporary receptacles for your recycling needs! Ask us Free quote